Journalism, Essay, and Research

Journalism is arranged by publication, alphabetized by writer, and organized in reverse chronological order of publication. Essays and research are arranged similarly but sorted into categories. This list is by no means exhaustive but includes the articles that have made a significant impact on my thinking or are simply interesting, entertaining, or worth writing about.

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Anne Applebaum

  • Foreign Policy – Europe/Russia

  • Politics

  • History

Ruth Shalit Barrett

  • Education

  • Culture

Laura Bliss

  1. Culture

  2. Consumer Products

Peter Brannen

  • Climate

  • Science

David Brooks

McKay Coppins

Ellen Cushing

  • Technology

  • Culture

William Deresiewicz

  • History

Daniel Engber

  • Art

  • Culture

Caitlan Flanagan

Franklin Foer

David Frum

Katherine Gammon

  1. Animals – Whales

Rebecca Giggs

  • Plants

  • Climate

Melissa Fay Greene

  • Culture– COVID

Shadi Hamid

  • Religion

  • Culture

Chris Heath

  1. The Truth Behind the Amazon Mystery Seeds

Wil S. Hylton

  1. The World’s Largest Mining Operation Is About to Begin

Tahir Hamut Izgil

  1. One by One, My Friends Were Sent to the Camps

Ibram X. Kendi

  1. The American Nightmare

Jordan Kisner

  1. Reiki Can’t Possibly Work. So Why Does It?

Adrienne LaFrance

  1. Facebook Is a Doomsday Machine

David Lehman

  1. Homage to Bashō

Helen Lewis

  1. This Will End With President Tucker Carlson

Benjamin Mazer

  1. Scientific Publishing Is a Joke

Tom McTague

  1. The Minister of Chaos

John McWhorter

  1. Why Grown-Ups Keep Talking Like Little Kids

Michael J. Mooney

  1. Why Is Bob Ross Still so Popular?

Amanda Mull

  1. The Nasty Logistics of Returning Your Too-Small Pants

  2. Why So Many Millennials Are Obsessed With Dogs

  3. Why Is There Financing for Everything Now?

  4. Have Yourself a Million Little Christmases

  5. After the Pandemic, the Office Dress Code Should Never Come Back

  6. Stop Believing in Free Shipping

Jenny Odell

  1. Why Birds Do What They Do

George Packer

  1. The President Is Winning His War on American Institutions

James Parker

  1. An Ode to Being Yelled At

  2. Down With Morning People

  3. An Ode to Procrastination

  4. An Ode to My Flip Phone

  5. An Ode to the Left Hand

  6. Reading Thomas Jefferson’s Bible

  7. An Ode to Naps

  8. An Ode to Flight Attendants

  9. An Ode to Small Talk

  10. An Ode to Insomnia

Jeffrey Rosen

  1. The Fourth Battle for the Constitution

Julia Rosen

  1. Cancel Earthworms

Ariel Sabar

  1. The Unbelievable Tale of Jesus’s Wife

Jennifer Senior

  1. “Twenty Years Gone”

Jesse Singal

  1. When Children Say They’re Trans

Laura Shapiro

  1. When Did Following Recipes Become a Personal Failure?

Jeffrey E. Stern

  1. The Battle of High Hill

Aatish Taseer

  1. India Is No Longer India

Derek Thompson

  1. The Pandemic's Wrongest Man

Kaitlyn Tiffany

  1. I Made the Wolds Blamdest Facebook Profile, Just to See What Happens

David True

  1. Return the National Parks to the Tribes

Ed Yong

  1. We’re Already Barreling Toward the Next Pandemic

  2. How the Pandemic Now Ends

Multiple Writers

  1. A Simple Approach to Ending Extreme Poverty – H. Luke Schaefer and Kathryn J. Edin

  2. Stop Trying to Raise Successful Kids – Adam Grant and Allison Sweet Grant

  3. The Coddling of the American Mind – Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt

Scientific American.PNG

Yasmine Al-Sayyad

  1. The End of Egyptian Cotton

Rachel Aviv

  1. The Shadow Penal Colony for Struggling Kids

Burkhard Bilger

  1. Can Babies Learn to Love Vegetables?

Anthony Bourdain

  1. One Day—and One Night—in the Kitchen at Les Halles

Ed Caesar

  • Culture

  • Technology - North Korea

  • History

Jelani Cobb

  1. The Man Behind Critical Race Theory

Lauren Collins

  1. The Unlikely Rose of the French Tacos

Larry David

Jiayang Fan

  1. The Gatekeepers Who Get to Decide What Food Is “Disgusting”

Hannah Fry

  1. When Graphs Are a Matter of Life and Death

Rivka Galchen

  1. Can Nuclear Fusion Put the Breaks on Climate Change?

  2. NASA's New Telescope Will Show us the Infancy of the Universe

James Ross Gardner

  1. Seventy-Two Hours Under the Heat Dome

David Gilbert

  1. Preparing to Spin the Wheel of Fortune

Adam Gopnik

  1. What’s the Point of Food in Fiction

Alice Gregory

  1. How Did a Self-Taught Linguist Come to Own an Indigenous Language?

Elizabeth Griswold

  1. A Pennsylvania Lawmaker and the Resurgence of Christian Nationalism

Sophie Haigney

  1. Should There Be an Emoji for Everything?

Nathan Heller

  1. The Bullshit-Job Boom

Matthew Hutson

  1. Persuading the Body to Regenerate Its Limbs

Dhruv Khullar

  1. The Struggle to Define Long COVID

Elizabeth Kolbert

  1. The Deep Sea Is Filled With Treasure, but it Comes at a Price

  2. Louisiana's Disappearing Coast

Akash Kapur

  1. Can we See Past the Myth of the Himalayas?

Anthony Lane

  1. The Enduring Romance of the Night Train

Jill Lepore

  1. What’s Wrong With the Way We Work? 1

Gideon Lewis-Kraus

  1. Early Civilizations had it All Figured Out

D. T. Max

  • Technology – Bitcoin

Patricia Marx

  1. Is the Pandemic Breaking Our Backs?

Rebecca Mead

  1. Ancient History

Louis Menand

  1. It’s Time to Stop Talking About “Generations” 1

Nicolas Niarchos

  1. The Dark Side of Congo's Gold Rush

M. R. O’Connor

  1. What it’s Like to Fight a Megafire

Meghan O’Gieblyn

  1. Are There Hidden Advantages to Pain and Suffering?

Nick Paumgarten

  1. Energy, and How to Get It

Douglass Preston

  1. Has an Old Soviet Mystery at Last Been Solved?

David Rohde

  1. Trying—and Failing—to Save the Family of the Afghan Who Saved Me

Alex Ross

  1. The Past and the Future of the World’s Oldest Trees

Kelefa Sanneh

  1. Reinventing Scotch Whisky

Kathryn Schulz

  1. How We Became Infected By Chain E-Mail

John Seabrook

  1. An Ex-Drinker's Search for a Sober Buzz

  2. Has the Pandemic Transformed the Office Forever?

Parul Sehgal

  1. Is Amazon Changing the Novel?

Gary Shteyngart

  1. A Botched Circumcision and its Aftermath

Sarah Stillman

  1. The Migrant Workers Who Follow Climate Disasters

Ben Toub

  1. Thirty-six Thousand Feet Under the Sea

Nicola Twilley

  • Technology – Food

  • Personal Profile- Mazes

The New Atlantis.PNG

Sam Anderson

  1. The Last Two Northern White Rhinos on Earth

  2. David’s Ankles: How Imperfections Could Bring Down the World’s Most Perfect Statue

Emily Bazelon

  1. I Write About the Law. But Could I Really Help Free a Prisoner?

Karen Blankfeld

  1. Lovers in Auschwitz, Reunited 72 Years Later. He had One Question.

Taffy Brodesser-Akner

  1. What Happened to Val Kilmer? He’s Just Starting to Figure it Out

H. Claire Brown

  1. Attack of the Superweeds

Ed Caesar

  1. The Epic Hunt for a Lost World War II Aircraft Carrier

Stephen L. Carter

  1. What Thurgood Marshall Taught Mw

Thomas Chatterton

  1. Searching for Plato With My 7-Year-Old

Siddhartha Deb

  1. They Are Manufacturing Foreigners’: How India Disenfranchises Muslims

Ruth La Ferla

  1. Manifesting, for the Rest of Us

Amanda Fitzsimons

  1. Instagram Is Coming for Your Sock Drawer

Vanessa Friedman

  1. J Crew Didn’t Need to Live Forever

Daniel Fromson

  1. The Untold Story of Sushi in America

Charles Homans

  1. Kyle Rittenhouse and the New Era of Political Violence

Ferris Jabr

  1. How Long Can  We Live?

  2. The Social Life of Forests

Brooke Jarvis

  1. Did Covid Change How We Dream?

Robert Kolker

  1. Who Is the Bad Art Friend?

Andrew Leland

  1. Is There a Right Way to Act Blind?

Francesca Mari

  1. Will Real Estate Ever Be Normal Again?

Lauren Markham

  1. The Man Who Filed More Than 180 Disability Lawsuits

Joe Mooallem

  1. Neanderthals Were People, Too

Alex W. Palmer

  1. The Man Behind Chona’s Agreaaive New Voice

Elaina Plott

  1. The G.O.P. Won It All in Texas. Then It Turned on Itself.

James Verini

  • Foreign Policy, History - Ukraine

Russell Shorto

  1. Rembrandt in the Blood: An Obsessive Aristocrat, Rediscovered Paintings and an Art-World Feud

Jake Silverstein

  1. The 1619 Project and the Long Battle Over U.S. History

Timothy Snyder

  1. The American Abyss

Paul Tough

  1. A Speck in the Sea

Elisabeth Zerofsky

  1. How the American Right Fell in Love With Hungary


James Butler

  • Climate

Meehan Crist

  1. Is it OK to Have a Child?

Malcolm Gaskill

  1. At the House of Mr. Frog

Laleh Khalili

  1. How to Get Rich

Rosa Lyster

  1. Louisiana Underwater

Barbara Newman

  1. Seven Centuries Too Late

David Runciman

  1. Competition Is for Losers

  2. It Was Going to be Huge

Eliot Weinberger

  1. The American Virus

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Research Papers and Essays


Science, Technology, and Medicine

Multiple Authors

  1. Neural Correlates of Maintaining One’s Political Beliefs in the Face of Counterevidence – Jonas T. Kaplan, Sarah I. Gimbel & Sam Harris – Nature, 2016 1

  2. The Emergence of Human Consciousness: From Fetal to Neonatal Life – Hugo Lagercrantz & Jean-Pierre Changeux – Nature, 2009 1

Philosophy and Culture

Thomas W. Clark

  1. Death, Nothingness, and Subjectivity — Naturalism (originally published in The Humanist, 1994)

Thomas Nagel

  1. What Is it Like to Be a Bat? – Duke University Press, 1974 1

Eric T. Olson

  1. Was I Ever a Fetus? – Philosophy and Penomelogical Research, 1997

Art and Literary Criticism